TT lens with TT View Point camera

My passion in photography.

TT lens with View Point Cameras

5x12 anh 5.5 x14in American Walnut.

I would like to say thank you for those who have supported me through this journey. It's a huge accomplishment for me to complete my entire Panorama camera line.

I've built them intentionally for my landscape field work applications, while focusing on a simple, elegant, and user friendly design. I designed the optics to cover all formats from 4x5 to 20x24 starting from 9 in to 30in focal length, and this range is perfect for a wide range of applications.

My TT lens can be mounted on the copal 3 with Linhof lens board; no big brass lenses are necessary for field trips anymore.

The camera is designed with weight reduction in mind and standardized to all my lenses mounted with the Linhof board.

I use my TT lens system (9 focal lens that can be switched using the same barrel) for pictorial purposes, along with my Cooke triple converter when I am out on the field.

There isn't any perfect camera out there that can do all we want, but this series comes close for me.

For more information about my TT lens please click on the link.

Thanks for your continued interest and support.
